The selection was based on some personal preferences i.e. Sheer Talent, Voice Control, Crowd-Pulling Factor, The 'X' Factor (which is rather difficult to define), and, to a certain extent, their subsequent impact once they left the show. Mostly, it's based on the strength of their performances during their respective seasons.
So here are my Top 12 Contestants (from Season 1 - Season 8): -
Let's face it! He was the hottest, most sensational and bravest performer ever to grace the Idol stage. He's brutally honest about his sexual preferences and he's never shy to show off his quirkiness (to the point of weird) to the public. His rendition of songs were often ridiculuously risky but always verging on the brilliant side. He twisted songs like "Black Or White", "Mad World" and "Play That Funky Music", and even made the legendary Randy Travis brushed his head with an awesome yet bizarre rendition of Johnny Cash's "Ring Of Fire"... It was indeed a pity that Adam was not crowned "The American Idol Winner" for Season 8 (not trying to be disrespectful to Kris Allen). There were many stars in Idol, but, Lambert was without the slightest of a doubt the brightest of them all...

DAVID COOK (Season 7)
David Cook's strength was not just his voice but also his ability to turn great songs made popular by great artistes into his own. Throughout the season, he belched out songs from Lionel 'The Sentimental' Richie, Mariah Carey and even Dolly Parton, and made them his own. With excellent repertoire of songs and blessed with a powerful voice, he looked really, really cool behind the guitar. Of all the songs he rendered during the competition, "Billie Jean" was my all-time favourite. True enough, his slowed-down, unique guitar-backed take on Michael Jackson's iconic pop-soul classic was inspired by Chris Cornell's 2007 cover version. But Cook's pitch-perfect rendition, his rugged delivery of tunes, and his savvy selection of little-known arrangements that fit the week's musical theme, week in and week out, turned him into Season 7's sensational front-runner.

BO BICE (Season 4)
Before David Cook and way before Adam Lambert, there was only one potential Rock Superstar, and that was Bo Bice. And I was introduced to the song "Heaven" courtesy of Bo Bice, and not Los Lonely Boys. Late in Idol's 4th season, when American audience realized that the ending would resulted in a photo finish between country chick, Carrie Underwood, and Bice, the ruggedly handsome and shaggy Alabama rocker set down the mic stand and delivered a sweltering acapella rendition of "In A Dream" - a little-known ballad by Badlands. We were all rooting for Bice. And we all know now who came out the winner. True enough, Bice did not do as well Underwood upon graduating from Idol. His album sales have yet to come close to Underwood's multi-platinum achievements, but it's hard to ignore and even harder not to admire Bice's bold interpretations of his music. He is still the ultimate rocker, the others are just mere imitations...

Daughtry did rather well during the Idol's 5th season. And he did even better thereafter. So, it was actually kind of a surprise when he got knocked out instead of Katherine McPhee. Back then, Taylor Hicks was too strong to be voted out. But Daughtry and Yamin should have at least been in the last three. Nevertheless, in 2007, Daughtry became the Top Selling Artist - a phenomenal achievement considering the fact that he didn't even make it to the Top Three. His rendition of Fuel's "Hemorrhage" was the kind of execution and charisma usually showcased only by established headline acts during large concerts. His cool (in a rather rockish way) demeanour landed him a lot of fans, proving that you don't need to be a winner of Idol to be successful.

On a soundtrack-themed night filled with covers of Whitney Houston, Celine Dion and Phil Collins, Fantasia took a completely different direction, picking the hauntingly beautiful lullaby "Summertime". Sitting on the stage and singing with a raw emotion, she was immediately compared to a young Aretha Franklin. Her performance was so heart-wrenching that it moved not only herself but the audience as well to tears. It was perhaps one of 'The Best', if not 'The Best', Idol performance to date. Lately, we've been hearing quirks from Simon and the other judges wanting the performers to bring out 'The Moment' in their renditions. Fantasia's lingering and evocative interpretation of "Summertime" was the best description to define 'The Moment'.

All great performers have their own preferred genre of music. In Idol, these performers are thrown into music genres that might or might not be comfortable to some. Some contestants struggled during certain theme nights, especially when they are forced into new and uncharted musical genres. Kelly Clarkson found the spark during one of these nights while performing the brassy and sassy "Stuff Like That There", backed with Big Band Ensemble Orchestra. With her dynamic vocal range, she made the old gem sounded fresh and modern. She continued her effortless style all throughout her Pop Career, turning numbers like "A Moment Like This" and "Since U Been Gone" into huge chart-toppers.

CLAY AIKEN (Season 2)
Clay Aiken's plus points were a strong, power-packed voice with a rather adorable personality. During a stiff competition (between him and Ruben Blades), it proved vital during one of his best performances ever i.e. rendering Neil Sedaka's beautiful "Solitaire". Clay's gutsy performance and attention-grabbing take on Neil Sedaka's mellifluous ballad was as spellbinding as it was sincere. Even the great man, Sedaka, himself uttered, "I have lost my song forever to you. It will always be a Clay Aiken song."

Simon Cowell mentioned that Yamin was probably the best male vocalist in Idol history. He's probably right too... Yamin had such a mellifluous voice that it was hard to resist his soulful approach to music. He was capable of bending various tunes and turning them into soulful sounds, with his dynamic voice control. Simon Cowell even dared to compare his performance to "a vocal masterclass". Now, that sort of praise coming from Mr. Cowell? It takes someone ultra-talented and special to pull that one off. Which is exactly how I would describe Yamin's flawless rendition of Donnie Hathaway's classic, "A Song For You". That night, when he sat down in his classic and elegant demeanour, his beautiful performance made him a superstar.

Before Adam Lambert turned people's heads with his 'crazy' on-stage antiques, even during the Audition and Hollywood Weeks, I have predicted that this chap will go far. Yeap, he didn't disappoint by reaching the Final Three, and what was more astonishing was that he was probably the only person in Season 8 who was never in either the Bottom 2 or Bottom 3. Danny had a good husky voice and one of my favourite performance has always been his rendition of MJ's "P.Y.T (Pretty Young Thing)". A lot of people predicted and wanted him to be in the Final instead of Kris Allen. That would have been awesome i.e. Lambert vs. Gokey... just imagine...

There will always be fans who believe Ruben should have played runner-up to Clay, and especially after Clay's greater success in his album sales, it just added to the point. But back when he was still performing in the early rounds of Idol Season 2, Ruben was a Soul Standout. His rendition of typical Pop Ballads e.g. "Superstar" were delivered with straightforward simplicity. Ruben deserved to be crown the Winner of Season 2.

Ever since she auditioned in Season 4, she looked adorable and wholesome. And she had a good voice too. Thanks to the combinaton of powerful vocal ability and warm personality, she is by far American Idol's most successful graduate, with total album sales exceeding 11 million copies up until today. And as far as the show is concerned, her performance of Hearts' "Alone" was second to none.

Just like David Cook, Archuletta was never in the Bottom 2 or Bottom 3. And he was 17 at the time of the show. But this rather petite lad had a huge voice with a rather pleasant and distinctive personality. He was definitely a star in the making... uber young and talented. He was the obvious choice for a Finalist that year. His rendition of John Lennon's "Imagine" simply proved what a talent this boy has... this adorable teenager delivered a measured, powerful, and emotionally gripping version of John Lennon's classic.

* Worth Mentioning - JENNIFER HUDSON (Season 3)
She came in 7th in Idol. But, she went on to win a Best Supporting Actress Oscar. What else can you say about her talent?
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